Ducai Photogallery (September 2005)

 September is for us a typical birthday month. This year we prepared on Tomi demand his own birthday party.

 Tom’s sixth birthday is not just a friend party.

 Zorell family - friends.

 Tom’s first painting exercise.

 The Night of Slovakian book was one of the wonderful event Tomi had joined.

 And finally we were again in the forest.

Please select from the following galleries:

Tomi's Birthday - Party

This was our first experience with organizing such a party. We survived. I hope that kids liked that. Tomi was very exited during and also afterwards. We would like to tanks for all participating kids and parents. They gave Tomi very nice presents.
Tomi's Birthday - Home

We were also celebrating at home. Again and again we realizing the gift we got. Six years. Great! It is flying so fast. Sometimes we would like to stop it with some magical handbrake, but... Thanks to all who are thinking, supporting and praying for us.
Visiting Zorell Family

Zorell Family – undoubtedly real friends in this for us already not a foreign world.
Painting Home

The birthday gift from Luisa motivated Tomas to start with painting (which he usually doesn't like). He was so keen on, that we can't stop him. Thanks for a nice present.
Noc Slovenskej Knihy

Night of Slovakian Book

Elena Mandik from RSKS - SOVA had realized great idea about "Night of Slovakian Book" for our kids. Tomas was so exited about that... And it was really good.
AT - Mriensee (Aspang)

As you know we love walking tough forest. Tomi loves colleting mushroom. Currently has Tomi about 20 kg, which is a top limit to carry him in a seat we are using. I hope that I will be able to take him also next year there (Marek)

Ducai Photogallery - (c) Copyright 2005 Ducai, Photogallery.


